Monday, July 25, 2011

Debt Politics

The President, in his speech tonight, reached out to the sort of independent who likes "balance" and "compromise". In his, Boehner spoke to the sort of independents who, back in the day, supported Perot. In that the latter are more likely voters, Boehner played the stronger card.

The founding fathers dealt Boehner perhaps the strongest card in preventing the Senate from initiating a revenue bill (i.e.: A bill the Republican house would not support). The proposed Senate bill very much works to the G.O.P.'s political favor. Accepting it, in the last minute will take some air out of the claim they are un-compromising extremists, they will honestly take home to their base the best deal they could get, and it will put real teeth into the 2012 election.

Boehner's proposed two-step process is likely less politically advantageous. It will give the Democrats, before the election, another opportunity to frame Republicans as stooges of the very-wealthy and, most dangerously, it will give the President another chance to finally appear a strong and effective leader.

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