GRAHAM: When it comes to civilian criminal law, do you know of any concept in civilian law that would allow someone be held in criminal law indefinitely without trial?
SOTOMAYOR: When you're talking about civilian criminal law, you're talking about...
GRAHAM: Domestic criminal law.
SOTOMAYOR: Domestic criminal prosecutions.
GRAHAM: Right.
SOTOMAYOR: After conviction, defendants are often sentenced...
GRAHAM: I'm talking about you're held in jail without a trial.
There are many easy excuses to make for Sotomayor's apparent ignorance of the legal fact that "conviction" comes after a "trial". Confirmation hearings are long and exhausting, she was obviously only trying (as she did the entire hearing) to obfuscate, and so forth. That said, one would be hard-pressed to review the transcripts of previous Supreme Court nominees and find something similarly embarrassing.
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