Thursday, June 25, 2009

Repost: Daye-Light

In December, I posted:

Austin Daye is a revelation. He is a 6'11 sophomore with bonifide small foward skills. Plus he has a name made for sportscenter puns.

Daye was taken 15th in the NBA Draft last night.

The real story of the draft is Brandon Jennings. He bailed on the mandated year of being-exploited-by-a-college and instead went to Europe where he got paid some $3 million (including endorsements) to play mediocre-ly and ride the bench without really hurting his draft position (Of his high school class: Evans and DeRozan who had impressive freshman years went 4 & 9, Jennings went 10, Holiday who was mediocre at UCLA went 15). To my mind, this is the smart thing for any of the top tier H.S. talent to do. It will be interesting to see what the N.C.A.A. does when confronted by the choice of losing the most exciting players or relaxing exploitative controls.

I have to imagine that if UConn had won the NCAA championship, AJ Price would have gone earlier than late second round and Jeff Adrien would have been drafted. I would like to believe that Adrien will yet play in the NBA.

And, for the record, I don't see how Ricky Rubio turns out better than Jonny Flynn.

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